Program Offerings

2 Day Class

Tuesday & Thursday
9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Age: Mixed (3 – 5 yrs)

3 Day Class

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Age: Mixed (3 – 5 yrs)

5 Day Class

Monday through Friday
9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Age: Mixed (3 – 5 yrs)

Each class is limited to 18 children.

Note: There may be a limit on the number of 5-day students, depending on enrollment.

Class Snack & Lunch

Parents provide an assigned healthy snack on a rotating basis preassigned a month in advance. 

The children bring their own nutritious lunch to eat at school.  

Kindergarten Enrichment

                    Open to students who eligible to attend kindergarten the following year, this program focuses on core                   learning development skills needed for kindergarten.

Spots are limited to 10 students. 

Program meets two Mondays a month for an additional hour at the end of a normal school day

*This is an additional fee*