Field Trips
Field trips are an important part of the SOTG experience. At SOTG, we feel field trips are an opportunity for students to build upon what they learn in school through more interactive and hands on experiences. A variety of field trips are planned throughout the school year to reflect our monthly theme and to foster a connection to our local community. Depending on the children’s program, they will attend one or two ‘big/away’ field trips per month.
*Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian*
*Field Trips take part at the end of the school day so once the day is done students are dismissed to their parents*
Field Trip locations:
March Farms
Kids Play Museum
Angevine Farms
White Memorial
Flanders Nature Center

Local Outings
The children also participate in local community trips monthly as well. These are typically walking trips and include library story time, the post office, and a trick or treat parade through the shops on the green.
School Visitors
In addition to the away trips, the school arranges for visitors from the local community to come in and talk with the students. These have included librarians, dentists, firemen among others. There are also ‘mystery readers’ that come in to read stories to the children.

If you are a local business and would like to have SOTG visit, please contact our School Director.
We’d love to visit you!